What can I give? What can I bring?

I believe that if a person is on earth, they are here with a unique purpose and destiny. I believe that each one of us was created by hand, knitted together in the womb according to a pattern that will never again be replicated. People and their originality thrill my heart. Each body, soul and spirit an intricate design, specifically made for such a time and place as here and now. There is work to be done that only you can do. There are thoughts and ideas that only you will come up with. There is an explosion of creativity and new life waiting to be unleashed in this world as people realise the treasure they hold within, nurture it and bring it forth at just the right time.

I have a human baby in my womb. It’s just days, maybe weeks, until the expected time of delivery. There are some very definite signs that I am with child, and that very soon we will see clearly the one who has been hidden all this time. I’ve been wondering if the experience of pregnancy, labour and birth of a human being can be linked to the pregnancy, labour and birth of the myriad gifts mankind is capable of bringing forth. There are discoveries to be made, books to be written, words to be spoken, songs to be sung, spaces to be designed, art to be created, solutions to problems, riddles to be solved and much work to be done. Do you know what it is you are supposed to be doing? Have you conceived all that only you can carry and if not, are you open to such things? New life needs our yes.

Perhaps you are aware that something priceless is growing within you. You permitted life to begin in some area and although you cannot make it grow in and of yourself, you are partnering in a mysteriously divine dance of creation. Nothing of great value is completed in a moment and there is a season for sowing and a season for reaping. Birth must happen when the time is right. Too early and the new life might not even survive. Too late can be harmful too. Settle into this season of growing. Allow your “womb” to expand to the required size. Feed your burgeoning creation with nourishing food and positive thoughts. Rest and allow those who love you to help and care for you; much as you are carrying the load, it takes a village!

I can feel elbows and knees bending and straightening within me. Sometimes I can even see the evidence of this child as my belly adjusts to the jumping, turning, punching and snuggling within. I know there is a baby in there, it is unmistakable. Sometimes this baby gets hiccups and I rub the tiny little back just under my skin. So close! So secret! You may not have a child in your womb, but there is evidence of a dream growing in your heart. Maybe a spark has been lit in your mind and as you breath on the little flame it is growing into a significant fire giving off light and warmth.

My time to deliver is near and with it, great anticipation but also significant heaviness, pressure and, at times, discomfort. My sleep is interrupted, my joints are taking strain and my feet get tired quickly. There is a sense of vulnerability and being a weak link and I enjoy peace and quiet but don’t ever want to be completely alone. I cannot move like I used to – flexibility, agility and capacity to carry loads are no longer mine. There is a slowing down and a storing up of reserves in expectation of the great push to come and all that will be required thereafter in the nurturing of new life.

I wanted to particularly encourage those of you who are feeling weary, awkward, agitated, exposed, fit to burst and very slow. You are carrying rare and beautiful treasure and it won’t be long now for all that has been brewing in the unseen realm to become a reality. Don’t lose heart now. The time is near. Trust the process and trust God.

I Corinthians 3 v 6 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”

Isaiah 66 v 9 “Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says your God.


  1. Ooh we long to see this little babe. Hidden from us and soon to be revealed.
    We are so excited to partner with you and God and watch how he develops.
    May God continue to bless the many secrets we all are growing.

    1. You are singing my heart and my song Tary. There is nothing more touching to me than to enjoy being in the presence someone living in their sweet spot, their happy place. Thank you for so eloquently sharing your heart with us.

  2. Too too beautiful! Almost makes me want to be pregnant again to love it as much as you clearly do! What a privilege to be pregnant – with babies and creative possibilities!

  3. A beautiful picture of the life & gifts each of us carry inside. A challenge to be brave and give birth to great things!

  4. So beautifully written Tary. Bless you all as you wait to meet your newest little person, wonderfully created in the eyes of God. How exciting!

  5. Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flaabergbsting.

  6. Bit late reading it this week, but worth the wait. Thank you

  7. Thank you Tary! Inspiring indeedGod bless you, baby and all the family specially as the time for sweet new little one to emerge comes close. We so look forward to meeting this precious blessing ❤️

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