“Mommy, look! The sun is following us!” We were driving along when my amazed little boy notified me from his car seat of this impossibility. After all, the sun is as unmoving as a rock. Isn’t it?
I glanced to the side to where that fiery ball was shimmering red in a dusty sky, and he was right! We were flying along and the sun was flying along beside us. When we slowed, it slowed, when we picked up speed, it picked up speed, too!
Now, we all know what was happening and we know the sun is not following anyone, but sometimes it takes a child to point out what adults fail to see. If we didn’t know so much (little bit sarcastic) maybe we would get caught up in the wonder of it all. Maybe we would believe that there is a blazing light chasing us down and keeping pace with all of our comings and goings. Perhaps we are moving at top speed so that we don’t have to realise how frosty we truly are. A warmth for the coldest heart is, however, hot on our tails as we move through our days.
Whenever I am not sure about things, I check out the Word of God. Reliable, unchanging, solid as a rock, words for every occasion, answers for every question, direction for every journey. Not only are we charged to “be like little children” (Matthew 18 v 3) but it also says, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” (Psalm 23 v 6)
He is Goodness and He is Love. He is also the Son and I follow Him and He follows me.
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