Be the Salt

All of a sudden there are a lot more birds in our garden. Birds I’ve never seen before. We were discussing it recently, when one of us piped up, “Maybe it’s because of all the development going on around here? They’ve had to relocate.”

By default, we have become one of the safe places to hang out. All the creatures that just want to spend their days flying in the sky, looking beautiful and singing from walls and trees are coming to our place. Their abodes have been torn down and demolished as earth movers and builders move in, and they have been forced to seek the good life elsewhere. Lucky us.

Although it wasn’t intentional in this case, we can create spaces where life not only exists but flourishes. Just as plants need soil/nutrients, light and water to grow, all the best things in life need certain conditions in order to thrive. Healthy relationships do not just happen; they work best where there is good communication, commitment, trust and a decision to love for better or worse. Creativity thrives where there is inspiration, permission to make mistakes, encouragement to be authentic, things like these.

If we have a desire to see something materialise in our family, community or nation, it’s going to need conditions in order to grow.

The conditions in our property seem to be attracting birds and I am wondering what else I might be capable of encouraging. Perhaps it is as uncomplicated as living a quiet, simple life in the midst of a generation of workaholics, screen addicts and all things to do with keeping up appearances.

I was pondering all these things when I read an article a friend of mine posted on Alveary Grove called Habits as Liturgies. You should read it, she’s good. She quoted Cindy Rollins (who wrote in ‘Beyond Mere Motherhood: Moms are People Too’):

“Think of your home as a monastery preserving culture in a dark age.”

Need I say more?

Jesus calls his followers to be salt of the earth – Matthew 5 v 13. Salt stops things from rotting. It holds back the tide of decay. As Christ followers we should be shaken out around the world, upholding all that is good, true and beautiful. Our presence should help to preserve humanity from falling into godlessness and the ensuing chaos.

Let our gardens and homes be filled with singing, both. And may the candles burning within, send a golden, welcoming glow into the night.


  1. This garden is most certainly filled with an atmosphere of love, acceptance, playfulness. and acceptance. One of my favorite places to be in the world is here with your beautiful family. I love you all

  2. Taryn, this is so beautiful. We love your garden too, a place of peace, of laughter and of love.

  3. Well written Tary.
    May the yard and the homes be welcoming to all.

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