Add Enthusiasm

We do a great deal of reading aloud in our family, and many a tale gets woven into the fabric of our lives. Over time, we begin to feel we are personally acquainted with the characters and places in the books. Long after I have put our basketful of stories away for the day I find myself marvelling, chuckling or simply enjoying the impact a particular chapter has had on us.

Anne Shirley is one fictional character we have come to love as if she were real. In the following excerpt she has been in a holding pattern up till this point. She, more than anyone, had been a victim of unfortunate circumstance for so much of her life and, yet, I want us to notice her response here and how it transformed her life, right where she was at.

Anne had a long meditation at her window that night. Joy and regret struggled together in her heart. She had come at last…suddenly and unexpectedly…to the bend in the road; and college was round it, with a hundred rainbow hopes and visions; but Anne realised as well that when she rounded that curve she must leave many sweet things behind…all the little simple duties and interests which had grown so dear to her in the last two years and which she had glorified into beauty and delight by the enthusiasm she had put into them.”

– Anne of Avonlea by L.M Montgomery in the chapter called Round the Bend –

Enthusiasm! When we add it into the concoction of our lives, the caterpillars become butterflies! The simple, mundane elements of our every days become something noteworthy. It’s like the secret ingredient that brings all the flavours and textures together in a wonderful pop!

Enthusiasm can turn the most tiresome task into good fun. (unknown)

Some seasons are tough. There are times in life when we all wonder if dreams will come true. Maybe we missed a boat and find ourselves sitting, indefinitely, on the edge of the harbour with a makeshift fishing rod. No matter the situation and what part we did or didn’t play to find ourselves in it, we can choose how we will respond, here and now. The task may be dreary and plain but we can be vibrant and interesting…because we can…and because it makes a difference.

Enthusiasm generates power and lifts you to elevated levels. (R.Z Pliskin)

The traffic lights don’t always work here in the Sunshine City. We don’t seem to have enough traffic police to come and man them when this happens, but what we do have a surprising large number of, are regular, volunteering human beings who turn directing the traffic into an art. They smile, dance and create their own little stage right there in the organised space in the middle; an area that would be nothing but a mess at best and an accident at worst without them.

In Romans 12 v 11 – 16 the apostle Paul encourages the believers: “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavour; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord. Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”

When we add a keenness to all our undertakings, we keep a valuable fire burning.

As always, preaching to myself here. I must go now, housework calls. I will start by shaking my rugs with more energy than usual and great doses of flair.

Please don’t hesitate to comment about what happened when you added enthusiasm to a moment that you realised something was lacking. We will all enjoy the outcome, I’m sure of it!


  1. You’re right Tary. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.. Shake those rugs.

  2. Recently we had a bad storm. It knocked our power out and a big tree fell across the road in front of our house. As we tried to remove the tree it became a neighborhood project and everyone pitched in to help. We were all enthusiastic about opening the road back up and it was a great way to join in a common goal!!

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