An Apple a Day

Who doesn’t love a baby resting its intoxicating little head against their chest? Mine did just that the other day and I stood still, enjoying the moment. Usually he’s pushing chairs around the house and emptying cupboards and drawers, so I really needed us to stop for a minute.

I think he must have been contemplating my heart beat and breathing because after a little while he forced a chuckle, to see what might happen. Amazingly, I read things well and forced back one of my own. We went back and forth, his head never leaving my chest, my hand never leaving his back. We were roaring with laughter by the time we were done, our guffaws ringing through the windows and into a drenched garden.

Those laughter vibrations did something. A cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17 v 22). Oh to know how to bottle such things. Prescriptions would be completely safe, the only side effect an infectious rip tide of merriment, leaving everyone sighing and wiping their eyes; the odd chortle on remembering.

We walked through the house and a beam of silver lining from the marriage of a sunset and a thunderstorm shone through our yard onto a Leopard Tree. Sometimes it’s like that, you are just standing beside the driveway minding your own business and the next thing you are the main part in the production and the light is on you, every eye watching. As I watched that tree, a thousand water droplets hanging like jewels in her hair, a wind began to blow. She shook those diamonds all around and for a moment, it was all swooshing and stars, and then the light was gone.

Again, Beauty working her wonders in creative ways for all who will simply take the required dose.

I guess when you’ve watched someone you love feel very ill, and you’ve watched the treatment prescribed hurt them even more, you want to see all the healing available to us in every normal daily event. And it really is there.

He really is there.

And He says ‘But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays and you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.’ (Malachi 4 v 2).


  1. Oh my heart.. Thank you Tary.
    I read this the other day
    “The angels keep their ancient places
    Turn but a stone and start a wing!
    Tis ye,’tis your estranged faces, that miss the many splendored thing.

    There is beauty all around us.

  2. Beautiful! I love it and so agree. I’ve started a daily garden walk in the last couple of months with no other purpose than to soak in the beauty of things. Sending love!

  3. I loved your description of the tree! I felt like I was reading something out of Anne of Green Gables!!

    1. Now that’s a compliment!! I’d love to invite Lucy Maud Montgomery to dinner.

  4. Yes!

  5. Oh Tarry. What an incredible gift you have. Bless you, and continue to use it to HIS glory.

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